How to Optimize Your WordPress Blog for Speed

 How to Optimize Your WordPress Blog for Speed

Content marketing is more important than ever, and WordPress has become the major venue for businesses to talk about the ins and outs of their industry to attract attention. It is the most used content management system on the Internet, with over 500 sites created daily.

But with so many websites using WordPress, how can a single website stand out? A good content marketing strategy is the most important thing any business can think about. Still, there is more to attracting attention to WordPress than churning out quality content. By optimizing your blog via improving your links and improving your website’s hosting, you can get your website higher on Google’s rankings. This can get more people to visit your website and ensure the success of your content marketing strategy. Some tricks to improve your search ranking are technologically advanced, but there are things that anyone can pull off. Here are a few simple tips for ensuring your content is seen and shown by Google’s algorithms.

WordPress Blog

Don’t try to trick Google.

A lot of SEO optimization can sound like little tricks designed to fool Google, and to some degree, it is. But understand that while Google allows tricks like the ones mentioned below, it frowns heavily on so-called “black hat tricks” that exist only to trick the search engine and provide no value to the website or the readers.


Google has a list of behaviors it will not tolerate, and the company will block you from its search engines if it suspects you have been trying to trick them. Read over those behaviors and make sure that you try none of those ideas. Ignorance is no excuse for violating Google’s policies.

Link and promote other websites

At a basic level, Google ranks websites by how many others link to them. So, if you want other people to link to you, you can start by relating to others. This is especially so if the two websites are in the same field. When another link is added to our website, it will get more views, and those viewers will create new connections, spur more ideas, and so on. Best News Mag.

While you can link to other websites whenever you wish, make sure those websites know about it. There are checkboxes on the Settings tab in WordPress to notify other websites you have linked to them and let you know when you have been connected. Make sure those are checked.

Think about changing your Host.

As the Internet has grown faster, customers are more impatient than ever. According to Kissmetrics, half of the web users expect a web page to load in just 2 seconds and “bounce” if it is not loaded within 3 seconds when you consider that every web page has one chance to make a good impression on every visitor, to be held back by a poor page loading speed absolutely cannot happen.

There are things that every website can do to improve loading time, like using a WordPress theme with a smaller loading footprint. But one of the biggest things you can do is look into your Host. Using fast WordPress hosting is essential in optimizing your entire site. Do not just go with the cheapest Host out there. Slower hosts mean slower-loading pages, which means bouncing visitors.

Dennis Bailey

Professional beer geek. Alcohol ninja. Social media scholar. Award-winning twitter fanatic. Writer. Basketball fan, mother of 2, audiophile, Saul Bass fan and communicator, collector, connector, creator. Producing at the sweet spot between simplicity and purpose to create strong, lasting and remarkable design. I'm a designer and this is my work.