Metal Gear Survive is literally pathetic – Reader’s Feature
A reader is less than Top Theto impressed by the new Metal Gear trailer and wonders what it means for the future of Konami. Knowing how badly abused words can be these days on the Internet, especially the word ‘literally,’ I decided to look up and see what the actual definition of ‘pathetic’ is. This is what the Oxford English Dictionary has to say:
1 arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness.
Two informal miserably inadequate.
I don’t know about you, but that perfectly describes my feelings about watching the Metal Gear Survive trailer. No pity for Konami, of course; they brought this on themselves, but then they forced the poor developers to make a new game, and I do feel for them.
There’s a fan theory that the game’s plot, which involves Snake abandoning his men to an unknown fate, is meant to be an allegory for Hideo Kojima leaving Konami and his previous team-mates now have no idea what to do. I can’t imagine this would be a concept that Konami would want to encourage, but whether by accident or something, the developers slipped in under the radar; it seems awfully on the nose.
I’m not a zealous fan, either. I wouldn’t say I like all of the Metal Gear games, and I’d be the first to admit that Kojima has his faults. The best thing Konami could’ve done with him has given him a tough producer who would say no to him and cut down his worst excesses. Maybe that way, they could’ve finished Metal Gear Solid V properly, and he wouldn’t have left.
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But it’s too late for that now, and now Konami is this living corpse of a company that doesn’t even seem to want to make video games anymore. It was known they were going to make more Metal Gear games, and if the rumors about remakes of Metal Gear Solid 3 or whatever had turned out to be true, I wouldn’t have been that upset. But this?! Metal Gear has always had a lot of implausible story beats, but are wormholes suddenly appearing? What seems to amount to zombies? Even if we assume this is some spin-off, what if type scenario? What does this mean to appeal to? To even ordinary gamers, it must look like Konami has gone off their rocker, but to fans, it’s looking pretty much like sacrilege.
It appeals to no one, and I’d be surprised and interested to hear if anyone thinks otherwise. It’s just sad to think that we’ve gone from Metal Gear being one of the most famous and lauded franchises in gaming to this. It’d be like the once Nintendo reduced to making gameplay-free mobile apps… oh, wait. I guess nothing lasts forever, and I’m afraid this is the point at which Metal Gear jumps the shark and gets eaten by it.
By reader Voltron
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