The 50 Best Video Games of All Time

From arcade classics to recent console hits, these are the 50 greatest games ever.
Whether you play video games The Info Blogs or not, they’ve become an integral part of our culture. For some, it’s hard to imagine a world without video games—the chip-up-loop of an arcade legend like Space Invaders or the growling “Finish Him!” immortal Kombat can be as evocative as a Michael Jackson or Beatles tune.
Representing multiple generations of gamers, TIME’s tech team put over 150 nominees through a multistage ranking process to compile a cross-section of gaming’s best ideas across nearly four decades. Here are our picks for the 50 greatest video games of all time.
1. King’s Quest III: To Heir Is Human
In the 1980s, the years leading up to Nintendo’s reign were dominated by PC titles, which were better imagined than Sierra’s. Critics typically laud the original King’s Quest when honoring their adventure line. But the third installment, released in 1986, deserves the most acclaim because it was also twice as big as the first two installments and as clever as any in the series. Following the adventures of Daventry’s 17-year-old Prince Alexander, the game hit closer to home with its primary players, who, like it or not, were pretty much boys. Yet despite the outmoded graphics (or maybe because of them), the keyboard-controlled adventure is still a joy to play (try it yourself). From amassing all the ingredients to make potions, avoiding the wizard’s evil black cat, and stealing the pirate’s treasure, it’s pure magic.
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2. Dota 2
3. Angry Birds
4. Guitar Hero
Guitar Hero reanimated the music video game genre when it launched in 2005, magically transmogrifying players into bona fide fret-shredding, tremolo-slapping Rock Gods. Sure, you had to provide your sweatbands, eyeliner, and hair extensions. But for the game’s price and its eponymous accessory, players hammering buttons on faux guitars could rhythmically glimpse what it might feel like to be a Stevie Ray Vaughan or Jake E. Lee. While games like Dance Dance Revolution had proven popular with smaller audiences, Guitar Hero‘s rolling collection of classic and modern rock anthems drove it to mainstream accolades (to say nothing of all the impromptu house parties).