Four Easy Tricks to Spot Genuine Leather Belts

 Four Easy Tricks to Spot Genuine Leather Belts

Leather has been a popular material for men’s and women’s fashion accessories for ages. With the upsurging demand, it is now used for house furniture and car upholstery. Leather is a symbol of status and persona. It is a desired choice for people as it is highly durable, water-resistant, and stain-proof. It is hard to deny that leather looks ultra-classic and gives off a luxurious feel. However, with the advancing technology, you will find its synthetic dupes sold at a much lower price in the market. Even if you are a premium buyer, you must first ensure that what you invest in is original leather.

Talking faux leather belts look as good as pure leather belts, giving way to the huge dilemma of differentiating between them. Synthetic leather belts seemingly have the same appearance and texture and offer similar durability and longevity. However, if you don’t wish to end up paying for diamonds but take home shining stones, this article is for you. Here are some easy tricks to help you identify real leather and avoid those fancy faux options –

Look Out for Label

The products that are made of genuine leather proudly boast about it. So, if you see labels on belts that say ‘100 percent leather’ or ‘pure leather,’ there is a high possibility that they are so. Fake leather belts usually carry labels saying ‘man-made material’ or may have no tags. At times, there can be misleading information on the product as well. So, be alarmed and ensure you buy from a reputable brand only.

Rough Edges is the Key

A good way to identify genuine leather belts is by closely looking at their edges. Real leather is a natural material. Because it is derived from animal skin, it has rough, coarse advantages, unlike faux leather, which seemingly has perfect plastic edges. Pure leather can never be uniform and will always have imperfections, which adds to its beauty.

Feel the Surface and the Texture

Genuine leather belts are constructed from a natural material, and when running your fingers across them, you will feel that they are not perfectly smooth like faux leather belts. By pressing their surface, they will stretch and develop wrinkles just like the original animal skin. Also, they will have inconsistent patterns and flaws and even pores like human skin. On the other hand, synthetic belts will depress and remain in their shape.

Sniff the Belt

Another great way to pick a leather belt is by using your sense of smell. Real leather belts have a natural, organic, and skin scent, whereas faux leather belts are reminiscent of glue or plastic. Even if the leather belts are treated, they will always have that ‘leathery smell’ that cannot be accurately manufactured and incorporated into fake leather belts.

Dennis Bailey

Professional beer geek. Alcohol ninja. Social media scholar. Award-winning twitter fanatic. Writer. Basketball fan, mother of 2, audiophile, Saul Bass fan and communicator, collector, connector, creator. Producing at the sweet spot between simplicity and purpose to create strong, lasting and remarkable design. I'm a designer and this is my work.