Whether you’re an old-hand Yarlesac at Android or a complete beginner, finding the best apps in the content labyrinth of the Google Play store can be a challenge. The sheer number of apps is daunting, even for experts. If you looked at an app from Google Play every second without stopping, it would take more […]Read More
Mobile is our daily life needs and we need it to have a better life experience in communications .
In terms of the ever-evolving consumer electronics industry, Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 and Snapdragon 600 processors are already ancient histories. The US semiconductor manufacturer knows that fact and has introduced their successors, the Snapdragon 410E and Snapdragon 600E. However, unlike their mobile predecessors, these chips are designed for what the San Diego-based company describes as “embedded […]Read More
You may think that the modern landscape of technology and how we interact with it through handheld devices was formed after the iPhone’s invention in 2007. However, another more critical innovation came just a year later, when Apple launched its App Store in July 2008. This virtual marketplace allowed app developers to advertise and showcase […]Read More
It’s a frequent woe of Android users: you buy that fancy, top-of-the-line phone in the summer or fall, and you know it will take the manufacturer months to release the updated software that Google pushes out soon. They tend to issue press releases or Twitter posts promising support for the new update, though dates are […]Read More
Push notifications are like stepping into the same space as your user, wherever they may be: at any moment, you can reach out and tap them on the shoulder. But just as in real life, a notification risks interrupting or annoying users if not done right. Every misstep reduces open rates and, in turn, retention […]Read More
‘Content marketing’ often amounts to nothing more than companies filling their blogs up with posts that try to make them seem smarter than they are while saying nothing of any value to anyone. And if you’re going to get into that game, why spend time and effort crafting a 500-word article when you can buy […]Read More
Apple’s first original series is getting ready for production. Dubbed Planet of the Apps, the reality show unveiled earlier this year but had not yet been named, will accept cash submissions between now and Aug. 26. The show’s producers have requested a one-minute video introducing the person, the name and description of their app, and […]Read More
While much of the focus on low-code development is on users like developers, the so-called ‘citizen developers’ are only part of the story. Yes, the fact that anyone can build an app is important. Still, it’s also important to note that experienced developers and designers are key to delivering compelling tools to end-users. That doesn’t […]Read More
For most of his long and very successful run in St. Louis, he was Tense Tony. The guy who rarely smiled. The guy who managed a “Hard Nine.” The guy who couldn’t tell you how his day was going until after the Cardinals’ game was over. But it has been five years since Tony La […]Read More
After 74 days on the market, Pokemon Go lost the top revenue spot in Apple’s U.S. app store to Clash Royale, although it remains the highest-grossing app in Google’s Play store. While it may not attract as much revenue, Pokemon Go has attracted more regulatory scrutiny than traditional mobile gaming apps like Clash of Clans […]Read More